For the first time in the history of District 7 Fire Rescue, we have partnered with Santa Clause this year to bring some holiday cheer for our communities. District 7 Fire Rescue will be driving Santa around our communities to spread some holiday cheer.
We encourage families wishing to see Santa please find the closest street or intersection in the route listed. Please help us make this Santa Run a successful one by waiting for Santa on the scheduled routes that will be posted.
Santa Runs will take place each night from December 5th to December 24th. Santa will begin as early as 5:00pm and end at 9:00pm. The list of communities/streets to be driven along with their scheduled date will be disseminated out via our social media platforms and website by December 1, 2021.
Unfortunately, to maintain the safety of Santa and the crew we will not be able to drive down every street. Parked cars, power lines, low branches, and tight roads with a limited radius for turning around are some of the reasons for bypassing certain areas. Please keep in mind as we begin our Santa Runs, we will do our best to visit every area, while maintaining a balance with both safety and time constraints. As we move forward, we will do our absolute best to keep improving this event so that we can maximize the experience each year.
Please check our social media platforms and website regularly for any updates. Here is our most up-to-date calendar. (subject to change)